Hello World!
I’m Tonya and this blog is to document the process of starting Reconnecting Rainbows (R2), my Christian merchandise brand and Bible study blog.
I little bit about me…I love the process of starting brands. I enjoy everything from the initial inspiration of a new idea, to the strategic thinking and planning out what it can be, and the designing of the visual parts of the brand that turn the intangibleness of an idea to something physical that people can experience. It’s fun for me and it comes naturally – thanks to the Lord whose gifted me with the ability to do it.
I’ve started a lot brands in my lifetime but R2 is different because it’s not just a business, it’s also ministry. As a Christian business operating in the public space, you often wrestle with how much spiritual focus to use in your content because it may be seen by those who are not yet Christians and don’t understand our values or perspectives. This isn’t the case with with R2. From Day 1, it’s clear that it’s a Christian business/ministry whose products are designed from a Christian worldview. That’s who I am, that’s who R2 is. It’s both freeing and scary because of the responsibility to do it well. To represent Christ well.
I invite you bookmark this site, share the link with your family, friends, church members, any anyone you think would be interested in following my journey. It’s guaranteed to be interesting, at times funny, at times creative, and always fueled by inspiration from the Lord.
Thanks for stopping by,